The Beko 50/50 Frost Free Fridge Freezer is a well-designed unit that comes with a number of impressive features. The fridge can function effectively in temperatures as low as -15C, and it is equipped with Freezer Guard technology. It also has a handy chrome wire rack, which can hold up to five large bottles. These features allow this refrigerator to last for years – whether you need to store perishable goods or simply need extra space for groceries.
Beko CFG3582DW 50/50 Frost Free Fridge Freezer
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The fridge-freezer features generous freezer and refrigerator compartments, and the HarvestFresh drawer simulates the natural 24-hour cycle of the sun, protecting fruit and vegetables from spoiling. You can even put a bottle of wine in the chrome wine rack for a classy touch. A built-in audible alarm warns you if the doors are left open, helping you to keep food fresher for longer.
Before using the fridge-freezer, you should first read its user manual. Be sure to follow the installation and unpacking instructions. Write down the product model and serial number on the last page of the manual. Some models of the Beko fridge-freezer are similar in terms of features, but you should consult your manual to find out which one is right for you. You can use the same manual to learn how to use other models.
You can set the temperature for the fridge and freezer compartments using a top-mounted control panel. The refrigerator’s Super Cool mode quickly cools the fridge section when new shopping is loaded. The freezer features a salad crisper. As you would expect from a fridge, there are a number of other great features included. One such feature is its frost-free nature, which ensures that you don’t have to worry about messy defrosting.
The refrigerator compartment can store up to five bottles of wine. The chrome wire wine rack provides storage space for up to five two-litre bottles. The fridge’s Freezer Guard technology prevents the freezing of foods during unfavourable ambient temperatures, which is common in garages and unheated rooms. In addition to these features, this fridge freezer comes with a Humidity Zone that keeps cool air inside the fridge drawer. It also features a MyZone drawer, which keeps food fresh for longer. Its adjustable temperature range is +1C, which is ideal for chilling drinks and meat.
Beko CFG3582DW 50/50 Frost Free Fridge Freezer
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This fridge freezer comes with water dispensers on the front door. Water is not only useful for cleaning the fridge, but for making drinks. A water filter jug can be stored instead of the dispenser. A holiday mode in the fridge reduces power consumption in the fridge during holidays. Meanwhile, the freezer compartment continues to function normally. Purchasing a larger fridge freezer is not always a practical option. However, a fridge freezer with a higher capacity is more energy-efficient than a smaller one.
Another fridge freezer worth considering is the Samsung SmartFridge. It has cameras inside that help you monitor the temperature inside without having to leave your house. This fridge also features a Super Cool function to quickly cool the fridge compartment when food is placed inside it. The refrigerator is sleek and features generous storage space. The freezer compartment has three drawers. A door lock keeps the contents secure and accessible. The fridge is compatible with WiFi.